
By MrsFred

The first of many....

Souvenirs arrived today for Mr F's soon to be "ManCave". We have the beasty of a shed dismantled and waiting, we have most of the area ready for it to be assembled, and now we have the best sign for the outside....all we need is the muscles to put it together!! Oh well can't have everything haha, we shall just have to make do with me and him and maybe the elder kiddiewinks to assist.
I have to say I think I'm probably more excited about it than Mr F at this stage, he can't visualise it complete but I'm imagining hours of peace at the weekends whilst he freezes out there watching the football/rugby etc....surrounded by some cool Manchester United memorabilia, maybe playing some pool? Could that be the reason I gave him this "present?" Or am I in the running for Best Girlfriend of the Year Award?? ;)

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