The Georgian Quarter

Much as I love the Victoria Warehouse, their breakfasts do leave a little something to be desired, particularly when it comes to coffee. Thus we bypassed their offering and headed to a nearby drive through Costa that the Minx had located. 

I dropped her at work and went over to the motorway services at Charnock Richard, where I met Dom for a coffee before returning to the Minx's place to do a bit of work. The "Canadian project" is fully up and running now, so I got my head down on that before meeting the Minx for lunch and then taking the train over to Liverpool to see Bob.

Despite the weather woes befalling the country - courtesy of a double act featuring "the beast from the east" and storm Emma - I didn't have any problems travelling around and even the walk from Lime Street up to the Pen Factory was no worse than bracing. According to Bob, this area has been re-badged as 'The Georgian Quarter'. Regardless of that, I do love this street, with the Catholic Cathedral at one end and the Anglican looming at the other. 

We had a quick meeting with one of Bob's colleagues and then went of to meet our chum, Richard, picking him up from office before nipping to a nearby bar for drinks and then on to an excellent Chinese meal. It was only at this stage that I had any problems with travel at all; our train driver had disappeared so I had to take a train to Wigan, whence the Minx Kindly collected me. 

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Reading: 'Lincoln In The Bordo'

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