The Wall . . .

. . . came tumbling down.

Those of you who saw HighPike's blip yesterday might like this. Today a snow blower brought our snow wall down, or should that be blew it down.

The snow blower is apparently an old one and one of only four in the country. This afternoon we got the word that it was approaching our wall of snow, so we walked down to watch. A great event - we saw it from the beginning, when there was a plume of blown snow appearing over the top of the 'wall' (see extra). Eventually we saw cracks appearing and then the blower broke through, to cheers from the watching group. I liked this picture best, as it shows the blower in action, the size of the drifts and its triumphant entry. (I have put a series here if anyone is interested.) 

And now the sun is shining, the sky is clear and the snow is melting. 

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