
By momcat1

It takes a snowstorm

to bring out the pine siskins. Amongst the gaggle of goldfinches ( also not showing up much this winter unless we had a snowstorm) were a few little siskins. So far winter storm whatever it is has dumped about a foot or so of wet, heavy snow on us. The husband is currently shoveling the driveway  for the 3rd time today , well his second , the kids did it once. The snow was actually coming down this AM at the lovely pace of over an inch an hour. I did not feel well this AM and decided to call in between the HA and the snow . I might have gotten in to work but I don[t know if I would have made it home. So I have had 2 cups of tea and tried to count the mass of blackbirds swarming the feeders.
But! spring will soon be upon us : there were robins in the yard yesterday AM, and we all know there has to be one more snowstorm after the robins show up. It is tradition!

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