
We had an odd first night...awake lots with Nate, terrorised by a mosquito...but the mattress was comfy! We were up and out early to clean the old flat. Danny took the kids off to do various things whilst I got on with it... It was quite cathartic actually, cleaning each room and thinking about the memories from that space. 
It was lovely and a touch sad to give our keys back to Carmen...Danny and the kids had bought her a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers and roses. She took a last pic of us in our lovely old home.
So now I feel like we can focus on creating home here in the new place. We went and picked up some bits and pieces we needed...and stopped at the rocky beach on the way.  

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Claire giving us one of her vacuums - it made today's big clean so much quicker...
2) A lovely goodbye with Carmen...I feel like we've rounded this era off well.
3) Crashing waves...not that I've actually managed to capture them in this blip - but the sight and sound of them was wonderful!

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