munchie and Wom

By emilyf


5am wake up 'Mummy, has it snowed?' Yes,go back to sleep
Nursery said only to go if it was absolutely necessary, we didn't go.
School was closed.

By 10am we had played round next doors and had a walk to the orchard. Home to warm up.

At 12pm we set off to walk to the pub. Its 0.9 mile there. Wom did really well and only had one carry. Yummy lunch at the pub (gin may have been consumed)
Headed back, not sure how but Wom did a full splat - luckily he didn't hurt himself and there were no cars anywhere about (he fell in the road) Up on my shoulders he went until we were almost home.
Met one of munchies school friends who lives up the road just as we got home, she managed to get Munchie full in the face with a snowball so I was glad to get everyone in and warm,
Lots of TV this pm, hamabeads too.
Went into the garden before tea was ready, such fun!

Wom was a tearful tired mess by 6pm, asleep by 6:45.
Munchie is loving the CBeebies story app at the moment so read us a story at bedtime.

Swimming, Ballet, Tap and Rugby all cancelled for tomorrow, not sure what is happening with my planned Spa day...

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