Poor Man's Discus - Pairing Dance

'P' is for Poor and Pairing! ;-)

These two were 'arch enemies' for a couple weeks, R sr even went so far as to seperate them until this afternoon, as soon as he's moved them back together, they started this cute ritual and C snapped it quickly for me!! Thx my dear daughter!

Today was the day for my 2nd chemo therapy session! All went well, just like the first time, but today they omitted the cortisone, because I was so allergic to it the first time around! It is actually quite a pity, since it is actually supposed to make one feel a bit better the first day or two, and also helps a bit with the nausea, but I must admit, I am terribly tired and really nauseous, but it is much easier than the allergic reaction ! Two down, only four more to go!! Woohoo!! I slept the whole afternoon and off to bed for me now!

Thank you for all the moral support I've received today!! It is deeply appeciated!! xoxoxo

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