The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Beauty And The Beast

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

So, today ‘The Beast From The East’ hooked up with Storm Emma and Edinburgh came to a complete standstill. All trains and buses were cancelled. Schools were closed. The met office issued a red warning for snow. We were told only to go into work if we could walk there safely.

I opted not to walk through the 3 inch deep snow to work just in case my life was at imminent risk and ‘worked’ from home. Between being unable to login for the first hour, chatting to The Mini Princesses and being barked at by Murphy for attention, I can safely say that I achieved nothing.

The Mini Princesses had a GREAT day. Do you remember the joy of school being closed due to bad weather? They went out sledging, built snowmen, drank hot chocolate and snacked on toffeepops.

Murphy loves the snow but got very confused when I threw a snowball as if it was a normal ball and it ‘disappeared’. That made me laugh a lot today!


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