Song Thrush

Not the best day - spent all afternoon at the urgent care drop in centre checking that I had not fractured my elbow. I fell whilst walking on some mud a couple of days ago and can still not fully bend or straighten my arm.  Luckily they confirmed that I had nothing broken and had probably damaged a tendon in my arm/elbow. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen should help and then up to 6 weeks to get better!! :((
But at least we had no more snow so can still get about - we seem to have our own micro climate here that enables us to miss the worst of the weather. I feel sorry for all those who are suffering in the snow - just stay safe and warm and don't go out unless you have to. 

This is one of two shots I nabbed in the morning when I spotted a thrush sheltering from the wind under the tree. We don't often see them, so I grabbed my camera and fired off a couple of shots before he flew off. 

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