twinned with trumpton


Having got in late, I saw the tweet about the schools being off; rattled off a pre emptive strike and pitched for a snow day minding the boys (I was due to get them from school later on anyway)

So I wandered up around 9; and we swaggered up to Morrisons for Shreddies (amongst other things; back via Lidl for other things) and home for some restoring lentil chorizo tomato soup. Tom went off to Laurie's for a couple of hours; Alex and I tried (in vain) to return library books and went and got engulfed by the vortex / snow portal (Alex description) that was Oxcars Street as the wind blew the snow of Len Lothian's shed and it swirled around; a colder more visceral version of the Antony Gormley Cloud thingy I should imagine. 

Suitably exilerated we went inside for warmth and malt loaf and Tom duly arrived home to join is for roast chicken and a bramble / apple crumble. 

Top Gear and football catch up ensued.

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