Nice Spring Day!

All our work has been cancelled over the next 2 days due to the weather. I wasn't due to be working today and its more than 24 hours notice for tomorrow so we won't get paid. Damn. But I'm glad as I didn't really fancy the possibility of a hazardous journey tomorrow.  

Luckily we didn't get any more snow today as we needed to travel down to Hailsham to collect Mr W's car. I made him stop on the Ashdown Forest and pose in the snow in -4 degrees!!! Not surprisingly, he didn't allow me long to faff!

We are back home safely and the only trouble I had was reversing onto the drive!!!!

Tomorrow I have no plans except to hunker down, light the fire and drink tea.

Stay Safe Blipmates and please don't travel unless you really, really have to!

Quote of the day - "ooo, its warm.....-2 !!!"

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