The Whys Man

By WhysMan2

Small, Smaller, Smallest

As we gathered paper boats from schools across Clydeside, we promised we'd tell their individual stories, from the smallest to the biggest, in future blips.

Today, it's the turn of Gourock Primary School, Inverclyde where these three beautiful wee paper boats were made by Vicky Sham.

The pupils in P6 went 'paper boat crazy', according to their teacher, and were making boats of all sizes, at school and also at home. They had their boat ready for the Exhibition before the holidays, and when we collected it, they also gave us this special edition from Vicky.

It's a lovely little paper boat set in its own wee box, and it's also going to the exhibition now.

One of the points which their teacher emphasized was the number of curricular areas that the classwork on George Wyllie had involved. Even the title of the three boats is a good piece of language learning, and so was the Paper Boat Song, with its metaphors and allusions. But for Gourock PS their WhysMan work has seen a focus on Technology and Social Studies, as well as Art & Design, learning about how to create their boats but also the context in which George created his.

P6 at Gourock PS also has lots of boats ready for the Homanay launch of thousands of wee paper boats from all the schools taking part. The event is scheduled for 3pm on 31st December, which would have been George Wyllie's 91st birthday and parents and pupils are welcome to attend.

Good work Vicky and P6 Gourock PS!

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