Still here
So, it snowed in Norfolk today. All day. By 1pm I decided I couldn’t quite face struggling home in the still active weather so asked the admin ladies to find me a hotel room. And now I’m back in my regular weirdo place which is extraordinarily comforting after the last couple of days of new weirdo. There’s no new snow scheduled here tonight or tomorrow which I reckon will give me a big enough window to get onto normal roads and then home.
My evening Tesco trip provided me with new pants, socks, wine and crisps. And new crocs for Will that are not broken or too small for his rapidly (scarily) growing feet so he is now delighted. Apparently crocs are the only suitable footwear for any swimming related activity.
And this room has no mental four posters, gigantic fireplaces, oil paintings of Charles II or dogs lurking outside the door. I had a quick dinner with the new man in stats (who is currently recoiling from the oddness of being new, poor man, we have all been through it), purloined a new type of black currant tea from the nice hotel ladies and experienced the sheer joy of putting on pyjamas that had been on the radiator for a couple of hours.
And a FaceTime with Will to remotely organise his book day outfit. He has come up with one all on his own that involves him wearing his fluffy onesie to school. It’s brilliant, we will see if he still goes through with it in the morning....
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