
By Appreciation

Oh, Oh 7!

I'm not sure if this is a hommage to Meester Bond, or is it Strictly a form of dancing?

I was at the Eye Pavillion again today, hoping to be discharged but not yet. The Dr must have mistakenly given me a double dose of drops. My eyes are still blurring. I can't watch television, or read a book, or smurf the internet so I chose instead to bake a cake.

Even with my glasses I couldn't read the recipe so I had to guess. Unlike the Bake-Off contestants I chose not to sit on the floor with anxious worry all over my face watching my baby bake - no, I decided I should do a Bond themed blip in 42 minutes.

With limited eyesight and no help at all from Pussy Galore or 'M' I found and put on various pieces from each bedroom. I'm not sure that I could find a suitable costume for a Bond Girl quite so easily - now what does that say about my family?

We are so excited to see Skyfall this weekend. Who can resist Mr Craig; quite frankly with those hips and that jawline I can forgive him any impausible storylines. Not sure he will look quite as sharp as me though. Perhaps I should
pursue a career as a Bond body double?

Oh there goes the beep - cake made, blip done and it's not even 3pm, I wonder what I could do now...... ah, knife, plate, cup of tea, I'm off to eat cake - very Bond indeed!

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