Good game!!

We had snow overnight and this picture was taken about 9.30 this morning. We had numerous heavy showers since and  now have about 8ins, more where it drifted, which is not much to many people in other parts of the world, but is a lot in the UK.

B and Amber had great fun clearing the paths....again....and ....again....and.....again!!!

I was supposed to be meeting a friend at the V&A in London today, but on seeing the forecast on Monday postponed it. As an alternative I planned to tackle the mountain of washing today, but thought that a bit irresponsible to use all that electricity running the washing machine and tumble drier, when the demand for electricity will be higher. I didn't want to risk a power cut in the midst of it all. It can wait!!

I'm pleased that R & the girls went home last night and have been safely there today.

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