Snow in the orchard
I put my wellies on and went for a short walk this morning. It isn't easy walking in the snow - it's still deep in places - and it is jolly cold but I wanted to find a nice image because, as you know, I love you all.
This is the orchard that I blipped at the end of last week - it looks a bit different today.
We had a bit more snow last night but none today. The wind has got up though and it is blowing showers of snow across the fields. There has been a bit of traffic going along the lane but mostly 4x4s. If I really need to get out I probably could but I have no need to risk it just yet; we'll have to see what tomorrow brings. The forecast suggests that it'll be as warm as a balmy 5 degrees on Saturday so that might be when it is easier to get some shopping sorted.
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