BIG Blanket

Stay safe everyone but I do just have to say...

Bring it on!

We had a blast today. 
In more ways than one!  

The moors were amazing but the blizzard was ferocious.  It's the first time I've needed goggles on the moors but had to make do with taking my glasses off and treading gingerly to find a quicker route off than we were planning today.  Little Dog's face was completely iced over and I suspect, developing an ice cream headache (with three hats on)and still being unable to see, mine was too!

It wasn't long before things came back into focus again though and this is Little Dog playing with snowballs, not still with an ice crusted face.  I was a little unsure whether she was OK but, as I took her off the lead on the way off the moors, she was off playing with the snowballs that were tumbling down around her.  She was having a blast!

Proper winter!

Rich is starting to make demands for food.  He's on the up!  Thanks for all your good wishes.

And it’s congratulations from me and Little Dog to Cailleach and the 100th Wild Wednesday Challenge!

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