Tilting at windmills!

Finally! I managed to get the windmill lorry going through the Ardrishaig bridge! Got a text at 3am that they were in Tarbert so walked down to the birdge. The main road from the bridge to Tarbert was in darkness as our wonderfull cooncil switch off the lights on either side of the town! So had to find my way from the light of my phone!
I just caught the huge half blade going through but the pics wernt that good so must get them another time but I got the two lorries carrying bits of the towers! God you should see the size of them and some poor sod has to sit on the back extension trailer with his own electronic steering guide, I sure wouldnt like his job!
The lorry has to swing as far over to the left as her can just where you see the guy standing which is actually the edge of a 20 foot drop into the water!
They have got it down to a fine art and can now do it in about 10-15 mins. Was amazing to watch! Now just need to get a decent shot of the blades next time. Got to my bed at 5am so this has to be my earliest ever blip
Happy blipping all

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