Pussywillow Parakeet
A nice bright walk this morning. I was pleased to see Pheasy Boy and got shots of a trio of buzzards and ducks on the lake a bit confused by the ice.
I deposited MrQ at the dentist and drove into Epping Forest while he was having treatment. I got an amusing shot of a robin looking under and up as the snow fell but it was through the windscreen so not very sharp.
After lunch I went to Fishers Green and was incensed that parking charges have been introduced and are being implemented by a private company using CCTV. The car park is usually well used. When I returned to my car it was the only one there.
As I arrived it started snowing so I went into the Bittern Hide and got some white out shots. I've chosen to post this parakeet enjoying the pussywillow buds, which I photographed as I was leaving.
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