
By Stuart9613

Snow Clearing

First job this morning was getting a bit of snow cleared so we could get plants in and out of the greenhouses main picture and extras.

We ordered heating oil for the glasshouses yesterday but phoned early this morning and increased the order as well as making sure it would be delivered today.They arrived fairly early this morning as can be seen in the extras.

When around to the garage to fill up a jerry can for one of the standby generators.
I always get the fool.One of those idiots who parks the wrong side of the pump and stretches the hose over the car.What is wrong with these people in nearly forty years of driving I have never had to do this.He then went shopping as we all queued up.

Eye test.My bi-focals are fine but I need a separate pair of glasses for working at the computer.Ordered new sunglasses whilst at it.Forever the optimist.

Drained down the irrigation system to avoid it being damaged by the cold.

Interlude This is better than whale song while I lie in the bath with my floating candles.

Snow,sunny and very cold.-5C forecast for tonight.

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