Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

'The Beast'

Gym visit ✔️

The Beast has not reached us yet. Though by the afternoon, there had been a couple of snow flurries. At one point this evening it was whizzing past the bay window horizontally, then back to sunshine.

Isobel came to take Archie out, but she didn’t look wrapped up enough for my liking, though she claimed she was. Archie didn’t want his coat on, despite his new haircut.

It was such a cold day, being outside wasn’t too appealing. An afternoon by the fire, with one of my recorded movies on the TV was beckoning. Then I happened to check the Silver Screen at the Cameo - 'I Tonya' was on! In half an hour. Checked a bus - 10 minutes. Let's GO!

We don’t leave Archie much, but he really needs to get used to it. I set up his Kong full of treats, chucked his favourite chewy bone thingie on his bed (to be discovered later) and we ran out the door.

We were in Screen 2, which is a small theatre and one that I’ve avoided for years, ever since a chap stuck his stinky trainers on the back of the seat next to me, and I slapped them off. I don’t like being too near folk in cinemas. And I was unhappily reminded of this during the film. A very large man was in the seat next to my one (being a small cinema we were given seats), but I could see there was no room for me, as he spilled out over the seat next to him. So I left a seat between us. But as we were getting settling in to the film, I began to smell him. And it was not nice. There was nowhere to move, as it was quite busy. And so I eventually had to hold my woolly hat to my nose for the entire film! Remind me never to go to a small theatre again.

The film was terrific. What a story. What a wonderful actress Margot Robbie is. Well worth even sitting next to a smelly man.

We walked home across the Meadows, and there had been some snow, but we were lucky to get home before the next snow storm. I think The Beast might arrive tomorrow!

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