1221. TT144 - Slimy...sort of...
I have been working my way through more of the online photography course this afternoon and I'm starting to get the hang of things...but as soon as I add another element I always tend to lose something...this time it was white balance because I was shooting with a white background and an LED light...which I could have adjusted but was so intent on getting the aperture and focus right...I forgot to check the images and some of them were distinctly pink! I should have set them all up again and taken them again but I didn't....I just adjusted the light in Lightroom and they now look fine!
I couldn't think of anything slimy for today's challenge and as I wanted to photograph jewellery I decided that perhaps...at a stretch....my North Sea Oil charm next to my Forth Road Bridge charm on my bracelet would suffice? After all...oil is a bit slimy isn't it?
I was going to its focus on the oil charm but decided to leave the Forth Road Bridge and my camera charms in focus in the shot as I love them all....
I returned my new fangled hearing aids this morning and decided not to go for them as they were just too difficult to connect to my iPad and since I wanted them for travelling, this was a deal breaker as they just didn't work as they should have....they connected great to my iPhone but once connected they refused to connect to anything else...or at least made it very difficult to "switch" devices...apparently this isn't what people do with their hearing aids...but it's how I wanted to use mine which were supposed to connect directly to any device with Bluetooth...
Oh well it has saved me an absolute fortune and when my current hearing aids near their fourth birthday I will look again and see what is available to replace them! So in 6 months' time I'll be back hunting for a pair of hearing aids that do everything but make the tea!
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