Tra la la

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I have been in such a good mood all day, skipping about like a Spring lamb, tra la la.

Well, all right, that might be a bit of a an overstatement. But my regular galumph isn't quite as stompy as usual.

This is despite the fact that I was not allowed to lie in today. See, this week I am working 8-5 instead of my usual 7-4. This is because I am working alongside an Indian offshore team, and they don't get into the office until 4pm NZ time.

So theoretically, I should be lying in bed until 7am. But nooOOOOoo - the pussycats are not having it. So I spent the first hour of my day hanging around with the little hairy fellows until it was time for my shower. This is Punky, having just woken me up to feed him and helping himself to some post-breakfast salad.

He threw it all up again about 2 minutes after I took this picture.

But catspew could not dampen my mood. I cleaned it up with a flourish rarely seen in the world of vomit. And I told Punky that it was all right, and that he was a poor little boy. He licked himself and fell asleep. I think that means he loves me.

At work today, I read about Stardust Lil and her yucky encounter with an Aussie journalist. You have to admit, his "when did yer SHAG?" question isn't exactly top journalism. But Stardust seemed to take it in her stride, and this inspired me to go out and register to vote. This was on the same day that the National Party decided on their new leader. As well as potentially voting for Stardust, it is nice to know the name of the bloke who I will voting AGAINST. So I presented my registration form at the post office with a song in my heart, and if that song had the lyrics "EFF OFF NATIONAL PARTY" that is only because I've been traumatised by UK politics.

In the afternoon, Dostana and I got to talking about Indian movies. Like many Indians, she was surprised I had seen any at all (thanks Fat Pete). But then I told her which ones I had seen:

(Dostana raised her eyebrows)
"Billu Barber?"
(Dostana screwed up her nose)
(Dostana shook her head)
(Eyebrows practically shot up the top her forehead, across her scalp and disappeared down the back of her neck)

So apparently I have REALLY bad taste in Bollywood films. Dostana is from Southern India so I mentioned Rajinikanth and she just about choked on her coffee. Fat Pete, she gave me some homework. Can you believe that?

She told me that I am to watch, "Airlift", "Dangal" and "Secret Superstar". In that order. "Airlift is by far the best," she told me. I just found the whole thing on YouTube. That could be us, this weekend.

In the evening, making dinner was a lot of fun. Jasper seemed fascinated by carrot, so I threw him a slice and he went NUTS with it, chasing it all over the floor. He's a very entertaining little fellow. Bonkers. But you have to love him.

So that was today. Boring work things happened as well, I am sure, but you don't want to hear about them. As for me, my good mood endures. I'm feeling very lucky. I have the best friends, a lovely family, a nice flat and NO TASTE AT ALL in movies. 

Tra la la la la la eff off national party la la la la...


p.s. Go ahead. Make all the "Dangal" jokes you like. You know I already have. "Aamir Khan has the stand-out part in 'Dangal'". And so forth.

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