
By FarmerGirl

Look at me........

We milked in torrential horizontal rain early this morning, and along with this rain, we had a very cold southerly blowing right through the cowshed. It was freezing! The poor cows didn't appreciate it - they huddled together for protection from the rain and wind. And this weather pattern continued for most of the day. Ocassionally the sun came out, but didn't stay out long before the rain and wind set in again. It even hailed twice during milking this afternoon - it was good to get home to a nice warm fire!

During one of the fine patches this afternoon, I took this picture of a bee out and about. He landed on this bluebell flower (correct me if I'm wrong with the name), and just stared down the lens wanting me to take his picture. He wasn't camera shy! I love those huge eyes.

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