
The weather has changed...going from cold and sunny to freezing, wet and windy. Despite OilMan's best efforts, a number of plants look very dismal indeed, having succumbed to the frost. The clothesline still stretches across my view out the bedroom doors, but it is devoid of clothes as it is too cold and rainy to hang anything on it. We get the odd message from the dryer repair place, but they are ephemeral and unreliable. It has been a month since the dryer stopped working, and only three years since we bought it. We are trying to decide what to do...there is either a serious problem or serious incompetence, neither of which is very acceptable at this point....

The tulips have been on the hall table since last week, and are so colorful that I decided to play with them today. I turned up the ISO  in order to brighten them further. I'm sure that tulips keep growing taller in their vase even after they are cut, and they turn their heads toward the light. These are beginning to droop under the sheer weight of their own stems, but since tulips manage to change almost daily and still look nice, these may become a multi-day project.

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