Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Hard at work?

Here is Euan watching a dvd on my laptop. He looks very professional except he is naked from the waist down!

A milestone reached by Rhona today. She rolled over from her back onto her tummy and managed to get her arm unstuck too. Sorry to say I missed it as I was busy in the kitchen and when I came back through, here she was looking mighty proud of herself. Euan was playing nearby and had no idea something special had just happened!

Tonight Rhona went up to bed and went off to sleep and is still sleeping. The past 2 nights she has gone up about 7.15 and was awake again by 8, screaming for the next half hour, stopping momentarily when I went in to shh her then starting up again. I eventually got her up, only after she had puked milk all over the bed, and only because I needed to change her and the bed! Once up, she was a wee darling, cooing away at us, making the most wonderful noises. Back to bed both nights just after nine to sleep until her night feed so although they were not a fun bedtime, I still can't complain abour her sleeping habits. Tonight was back to normal thank goodness, probably due to her getting her naps in more of her usual routine, rather than catching a snooze when she can while out and about.

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