A Wee Project

When I opened the curtains this morning I saw the way the sun (yes - unusual I know) was creating the shadows I thought I would do a wee project.

So when I went for the paper I kept an eye open for interesting shadows.
I almost failed ............. only saw the one.

However, I did find another one when SWMBO and I went in to the museum to see the Catherine The Great exhibition.
(camera turned the other way for a completely different look)

I apologise for the poor photoshop job ....... but somebody has broken the tongue off and it just looked plain stupid.
And this just had to be done!

I haven't made up my mind as to whether I like the new clock or not.

But I do love the roof in the main hall - I just couldn't quite low enough to get the whole thing in without people getting in the frame ......... maybe another day.

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