Feel the beat

30 Day Challenge

Day 20

In My Bag

I carry an over the shoulder half sack.

I have a crap back and anything which eases it is my ultimate goal.

Inside: my beautiful red leather purse we purchased in Kos last year (it still smells of leather).

Two inhalers. Crucial when the weather has turned cold again.

Buscopan. Because in addition to the dodgy back and the inhaler situation I have a bad bum condition going on in there too!

Highlighters and red and green pens ; because I was going to do some work from home recently and threw them in and never ever took them out.

Work keys - identified by mini mouse and a series of coloured dots.

Moleskin notebook; because I aspire to
Be a writer and what writer doesn’t have a moleskin?

I think also at the very bottom you may spot some cocodamol ..... which is also useful for the above back / bum issues

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