All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

parkrun tourists

My friend Vicky & I decided to do some parkrun tourism today at Vogrie parkrun. It was an early start - I dropped Ethan at her house so her husband couid look after him, then we drove to East Lothian to pick up my friend Frances as she was joining us for her first ever parkrun.

It was a beautiful trail course but bitterly cold. My feet were literally numb with cold and I really struggled to run. Was gobsmacked to find later on that I’d somehow managed a sub 30.

A quick turnaround at home, then another friend picked us up to take us into Edinburgh for a birthday party at World of Football.

Once home again it was clear the boiler has broken (it was making funny noises last night) so we have no heating.

Ethan sleeping with me again so we have retired to bed early with lots of hot water bottles. Even the cats are cuddled up with us!

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