
By Transitoire

Un drogué

Had many a spirited argument discussion with Baptiste about his smoking...although a very cultural "French" thing to do, I still find it quite funny to tease him about it. Although pas vraiment accro (more of a social smoker than a 2 packs a day man), he has to have a least one every time we meet (although very polite about it, and never making me sit outside in the cold!) he knows some gentle ribbing will always be in order for him! Also, on a random note - French men really like scarves for some reason; in this picture Baptiste is wearing two.

Spent the morning recovering from a fun filled week of nights out, coffees, concerts and road-trips (hard life I know!), and watched some long awaited English television. Sometimes you just want to catch up with the English things. Skyped my parents and caught up with their weekend spent visiting their friends in Sheffield. Is always so nice to see them relaxed and happy, and I'm so excited to be going home to see them, my grandmas and then Leamington friends in less than a week! Although at the same time, I'm not looking forward to saying au revoir to the Frenchies for two weeks. I feel sometimes like I'm split between three worlds; family and home friends, boyfriend and university friends, and now French friends too. I guess missing someone wherever you go is just, well...c'est la vie I guess.

In the afternoon I met up with Baptiste for coffee:-
- Crème - Latte
- Café au lait - Latte
- Allongé - Americano
- Café - Espresso
- Cappuccino - Cappuccino
Of course, you can attempt to order a coffee in the Anglo-American words, and sometimes it is understood...but more often than not you are left with a very puzzled Frenchman! Had a lovely time discussing anything from films, talking about yourself, relationships, towns, idioms and tenses. It is so hard sometimes to try and get your point across, but both of us do not speak the other language fluently so we're both very patient with the other!

Kinds of like / love / hate
- Love (lover) - aimer, amoureux
- Like (friends) - adorer quelqu'un /quelque chose
- Like - aimer bien quelqu'un / quelque chose
Il me ressort par les yeux - pretty much that you dislike someone so much that they offend your eyes!
Première fois
- Je suis entrée dans le bar - Je suis sortis du bar (also ressortis - so complicated sometimes!)
Deuxième fois
- Je suis réentrée dans le bar - Je suis ressortis du bar

Things I have explained today:-
- What kind? = Quel genre?
- I don't care - je m'en fiche
- I don't mind - ça m'est égale
- Stalker - traquer (don't ask!)
- Everyone / Everything / Everywhere / Every time / Anyone / Anything / Anywhere (n'importe où) / Anytime ("je suis libre tous les jours")
- You can do it! Put all you have into it / Put your back into it! - I think B heard it in a film
- To flirt / To be flirty / Flirtatious
- Adore - Love - Like - It's alright - Dislike - Hate - Loathe
- Discothèques in English are usually discos for children

Words I have learnt today:-
- Artiste plasticien - visual artist (what Baptiste is training to be...pretty much an artist who works in all areas - photography, painting, sculpture, sketches etc.)
- Vis vers ça - vice versa, the other way around (simple when you think about it!)
- Semi-detached - maison collée (jouxter is an old word)
- J'ai une tête sur mes épaules - I am smarter than that - "I have a head on my shoulders"
- Casserole - saucepan (so confusing!)
- Four - oven
- Plaque - plate
- Couteau - knife
- Fourchette - fork
- Cuillère - spoon
- Angoisse - anxiety
- Démarcher - to solicit/canvass

- Bars - close around 1am
- Bars de nuit - close around 3am
- Boites de nuit - close around 5am

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