Tiny Birds, Grand Effort

A fabulous Friday with so much sun it was easy to ignore the cutting wind. First assignment to try and spot the winner of seed cracking coupled with superfast flight (Team Sparrow DE)  A very tricky coverage diving as they do into hedges.. Marvin (see extra was ' cracking seed winner'). Supersonic flight was impossible for my camera.  Sparrows may be small but they have power and an urge to do well. A crow brought the message requesting another visit to Alexanderplatz  which is why I returned to Ziggy and his Starlets . Total control, the rebellion was over ! Ziggy had left them to their chips and planned a solo. Good strategy .Here you see two of them singing whilst  a very proud Ziggy looks on. I recorded two of them .Watch and listen There is a link for those who wish . .Superb tones can be heard & some lovely mimicry. All above one of the noisiest parts of Berlin.People stopped to admire their tones . Very noticeable today ..no begging :)
Starlings Sing and Mimic

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