Growing up.

We finally made it to Cardiff after a 5am start. We had a lovely day and met up with Mr.E. We didn't visit until 12 noon even that was a bit early!

We took 18 portions of frozen Lasagne which was a winner. He didn't show Mrs W his bedroom - and the kitchen was a fairly typical first year student kitchen. It wouldn't pass any health and safety inspection, but it was possible to cook and eat there.

Mr E was the best cook there!!! He was wowing them with his chicken fajitas and his sausages 'n' chips.

We went out in the evening for a wander around Cardiff and a meal in Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant. As always the food was fantastic, the atmosphere friendly and relaxed. We had a great time.

It was most amusing to see Mr E's horror at the bill (which was no different than going to the local curry house) but now he pays for everything himself money suddenly has meaning.

This was taken whilst we were having a quick drink waiting for our table. With no flash ( my birthday coming up hint hint) getting the image sharp is tricky and the light was very yellow. Still - his expression made this my choice of blip for today.

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