White Water

Armed with only my cellphone, I couldn't get the photo I wanted, but got this one anyway.  Today I left my office to go to the grocery store, drove 30 minutes and just as I got there realized I had left my purse at home with, of course, wallet, credit cards, etc.  Had to turn back and I thought I'd get to return and grab the camera as well.  I did get the car washed on the way as it was pretty caked with mud from yesterday's 75F degree temperatures.  Shortly after I got home, it started snowing.  I had work to do and I didn't want to muddy things up,  so never did make it to the grocery - or to get the photos I really wanted.  Well, there's always tomorrow.

With all the melting and the rain we've had recently, the rivers and streams are full and running as can be seen in this shot.

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