I imported most of my CDs into iTunes fairly haphazardly the best part of decade ago.  Many of the imports were done on a CD drive that subsequently turned out to be iffy, so there are random crackles, dropouts and distortions.  None of them were lossless, as who could afford the storage for lossless copies back then.

I'm currently rehabilitating my music collection by organising everything properly, re-ripping all my CDs in lossless form, and uploading it all to a NAS so it's more accessible.  I'm ditching iTunes in favour of dbPowerAmp, Synology Media Server, and a variety of apps (some still TBD).  I still love my iPod, so I'll need an alternative tool to load media on to that too.  Lots to plot.

The NAS just arrived today, and has proved to be very easy to set up, and easy to use to play music through my existing amp (which was already networked for internet radio).  I now have too many options for controlling the system (app, PC, amp, TV) and need to figure out what works best for me...  I'd rather too many options worked than none did - which I originally feared might be the case!

Looks like this will be a very good system once I get all the music sorted out and settle into a sensible pattern for using it...

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