
I reckon I could write a pretty good little blog about the ups and downs of running a small business but I think it would end up boiling down to two things: finding like-minded people to work with and also the wide variety of clients and their behaviour. 

We've had some brilliant clients over the years and, happily, pretty much all of those are still with us. Furthermore, we've managed to part on reasonable terms with the ones who weren't a fit. Sometimes, though, it's not quite so clear cut and we've remained engaged for the last three years with a client who doesn't really seem to like us and the way we work.

Today, Steve and went down to see them and, due to a new face in the mix, suddenly it looks like things might improve a bit. In fact, it would have been a great day apart from a tedious, repetitive, and oddly tiring dry cough. I was home just after nine and went straight to bed!

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Not really reading: 'Manchester Stories'.

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