
By schorschi

OEZ McDonalds

Being posted 25 years late in February 2018.

The second day of daughter Kate and J' half-term holiday. They were pretty tired after all the travel, talk and action from yesterday, so after a slow start we popped in to Munich and a visit to the Olympic Shopping Centre (OEZ) close to the Olympic Park, the scene of the infamous 1972 Summer Olympics and the tragic massacre of the Israeli athletes who had been taken hostage.

Kate got a horse motive blanket and I have now forgotten what J  got but Lego was what he wanted! Kate still has the blanket in 2018, I will have to revisit the video, a still from which is the source of the photo and explains the quality.

After the shop, a stop at the McDonalds for a sit-down meal. It can just about be made out in the background. Exactly this spot was the scene of the 2016 shooting and killing of 10 mainly young people and 36 others injured. Not sure what the final outcome was but it came at the height of the immigrant/terrorism phase hitting Europe but was actually more of the school shootings type seen in the USA rather than a pure Islamic or Right Wing attack.

We got home safe for a lazy evening and promising to get more active tomorrow.

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