Up the hill

I went out for my weekly long run, this morning, after I'd dropped Dan at work. I did six miles out to Barbon Beck*, but then instead of crossing the river and running back along the other side, I took the footpath up to Bullpot Farm.

That said, although there is a footpath sign, really it's just a stream with a path alongside. Today, the stream was flowing steadily and the 'path' was just a muddy slipfest. Rather than twist an ankle or break something, I opted to run top through the stream, which was, admittedly, cold and wet, but relatively safe.

That carried on for about three-quarters of a mile and then another quarter mile across some fairly boggy ground, which gave me a fourteen and a half minute mile, dragging my pace down by a good twenty seconds. And look, that might not seem important to you but one can get a bit focussed on these things.

Anyway, after that, the run was great: a couple of miles uphill to just behind the peak you can see in the photo and then it was mostly downhill. I have to say, though, this was one of the occasions when I was glad not to have a running buddy.

*Technically, I think this is Barkin Beck but everyone refers to it as Barbon Beck.

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Reading/not reading: 'Manchester Stories'

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