Castle with shadow

Seen as I hurried down to Newcastle Station to catch the train back to Carlisle. 

An extra long session at Explore today, following the ways in which the myth of Don Juan, libertine and seducer, has been used through the centuries. Fascinating to see the different attitudes and how they changed. 

Of course we spent a lot of time considering Mozart's Don Giovanni and I thought, whilst watching and listening to some excerpts from the opera, that must be first time in my life I have actually watched any opera at all. I can cope with, and usually enjoy, most musical genres, but opera . . . no. However, the enthusiasts amongst our group have almost persuaded me that I ought to give it a try. We'll see. 

Meanwhile Gordon went to climb some hills around Mosedale. Although I have taken him to some music he has had grave doubts about, I'm not sure I will persuade him to take in opera. 

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