
I started with a lovely cruise across Derwentwater to Hawes End. Once there, the numpties guide to fell walking said that Catbells was a fell that grannies and infants can do together. That's all very well for them but this old geezer found it a bit of a scramble in places. I didn't want to go all the way and the view of the summit before crossing the ridge will do for me today.

Another lie people tell you is that 'it's harder coming down than going up. Bullsh...derdash, coming down's a lot easier on the lungs and heart as long as you take it easy and watch your step.

Anyway, my blip is a three shot pano of Catbells summit with Newlands Valley to the right. It's my entry for Wideangle Wednesday hosted by BobsBlips. The theme for today is lines and if I draw your attention to the rays coming down from that low sun I think they qualify as lines.

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