Wild Women

An adventure and blipmeet has been had today. TJ and I headed off to Cullomane to meet BAT . We parked at Willie Pa's the restaurant then headed off into the hills. We each thought the other knew where they were going! Bat had a map and I had some information for we were on the trail of archaeology. What a fantastic area - we found a ringfort and several standing stones straight away then veered off into the wild. It was incredibly muddy, no paths and full of gorse and bracken. However, we eventually found what we were looking for. A large and extarordinary site dotted with interesting things. We saw
a huge white quartz boulder - originally used as a grave marker, later used as an altar
a radial cairn - possibly another burial site
lots of standing stones
2 hillforts, one surround by a circle of oaks
a cilleen where unbaptised babies were buried
a penitential site- a row of tiny cairns, taken over by the Christians and used as stations of the cross
a boggy hole once a holy well visited on May 1st and dedicated to St Colman.
and this small but chunky stone circle.

We then passed by a house of a friend of Bat's who kindly invited us in, made us tea and gave us cheese and crackers and pineapple. There were two tiny puppies, one each would have neatly fitted in to mine and TJs' rucksacks.
We wended our way back via an old ruined house which boasted the enormous fireplace and huge lintel, stopping to blip some very knobbly phallic fungi.

You can see part of the site here
TJ pursued

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