The "cremmy"
I hadn't heard this nickname for the crematorium before today, but I shall use it judiciously.
This is Michael who has a job that not many would envy. He receives the coffins after funerals and carefully places them in the ovens.
I often go with the funeral director when they are just dropping off a coffin after a funeral. It's part of finishing off, or "tucking in", a bit like throwing soil or flowers on a coffin about to be buried.
I was at this door on Monday too, and I peeked into the room behind Michael. I was a bit confronted to see two large square sliding doors designed to receive coffins. I quickly hopped back to the safety of the hearse!
But today, I decided to be braver and had a bit more of a look. Luckily for me there was a small paperwork delay, so I spoke to Michael who agreed to be photographed for Blip.
There's another funeral next week, so perhaps I will get a chance to slowly learn a little more of what Michael does.
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