
By nate29482

Chinese New Year

I couldn't decide between this picture of smokey and the one I used, hmmm.

I did Yoga w/Matt, then we went to Sushi. Did you know it's the Chinese New Year today (they gave us a free soup and cookies to celebrate, I thought it was a japanese place, but apparently it's chinese). So if you already screwed up your new years resolution in the first 25 days, you can re-start today w/the Chinese!

We were going to go snowboarding today, but it was too cold (felt like negative 7)... again... He did put my new bindings on though.

Now I'm going to nap since I ate a little too much sushi...

Reject keyboard - ehh nothing special
Reject tea/kristy - this was actually hard to take since the screen was so bright so when I got that right then the glass didn't look right. A little tweaking and I got what I wanted. I was just bored and took a picture of my desk at home, ironically the girl in the picture (kristy) is the one who bought me the frame! I love iced tea.

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