Team Woody
There is a Fog Alert in effect and a thick fog has been shrouding us all day. I was very worried that all AOG events would be delayed due to it but despite the fog, ice and rain, the Nut-Cracking event was it's final heat with the last three competitors still remaining. Blipped is a wee female from Team Downy who had the best strategy ever! She quite quickly flipped the largest peanut down onto the ice and began drilling. Team Hairy and Team Red-Bellied both tried grabbing, stashing and cracking - wasting valuable time. (Not the size of the hole she had drilled in no time at all! Very impressive!)
In the extras, I have posted a lovely tree in the fog to show you how thick it was. I had full intentions of photographing a pair of trees on a farmer's field...however, I couldn't see them! Oh to have the perfect fog....
Off to bed I go....thank you for all the comments, sprinkles of stars and beautiful hearts for my birthday sunrise yesterday : ))
D x
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