Odd one out

Can you see the odd one out?

The spagbol and red wine were excellent last night, consumed as they were with a strong dash of Strictly.

After a misty start the day turned out really well with sporadic sunshine and a smidgeon of a blue sky between the layers of clouds. As I ventured up the hill for my walk I passed this shot. I had seen the food buckets on the wall at the Riding Centre many a time and thought "Mmm, possible blip some day", but seeing them today in the sunshine, with the backdrop of autumn colours and horses patiently waiting for their riders, clinched it.

This afternoon I decided to risk damage to the sodden grass and got the mower out. I'm glad I did as it looks better prepared for the winter now. I also mowed up the remains of the sweet peas so they could also go on the compost and was surprised, thought I shouldn't have been, that the mown plant smelled of peas! Other time consuming tasks included snipping the dead flowers from heathers, removing soggy yellow leaves from the hostas and diluting accumulated worm "juice" to give a boost to the leeks.

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