A very sport-filled day today. It started with me and Conor heading off for his football league matches, leaving Mr B snoozing off a late night and Katherine panicking about her first basketball match. Conor's football went smoothly, with Lavaur seconds again performing best against Lavaur firsts, and doing fine in their other matches too. Conor is more getting the hang of moving into space - though he's still a little unsure what to do when the ball lands at his feet. So still plenty to work on. On the plus side, he didn't tackle anyone on his own side this week, and put in plenty of 'firm' tackles on the other sides. Though I did have to have a word with him about a potentially career-ending tackle on one of the Lavaur firsts...
Meanwhile, Mr B had managed to get up and out to Katherine's match. It was against Toulouse - the best team in the league, not surprisingly, but as both teams had already qualified for the next stage, it was a match that didn't matter so much so both sides were using it as a chance to bring on players who didn't have much experience of matches. Regardless, it was gratifying to see Katherine performing her assigned role (marking) so assiduously, and her team - to our surprise - won comfortably thanks to some fantastic counter-attacking that had the opposing coach almost literally tearing his hair out.
After a leisurely late lunch, there was some lounging in the unexpected sunshine, then on to make crepes for the evening's entertainment. All U9 (Conor) basketball parents were expected to make 20 crepes to be sold at the big derby match against Albi tonight. I don't much like the undercooked floppy French crepes that are sold at these events, so made mine the way I always do, cooked all the way through and with nice crispy edges. The point of us being there, was that it was the annual presentation of the basketball school to the senior team - so the kids were all given a lovely club sweatshirt - and then Conor's group were asked to be the honour guard for the senior teams coming on to play. And they even got to take part in the team huddle.
We watched a little of the match, then headed home for dinner. Having so many folk to say hello to as we went in, both from our school and the football club, made it feel like a real community event. And I'm sure they would all happily forgive my crispy pancakes.
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