Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Oyster bay

I thought of calling this 'Trafalgar Day' as it really is Trafalgar Day according to the car radio. They're raising the signal England Expects together with the white ensign on Victory's mast in Portsmouth and doing a bit of parading about, so it seemed a nice idea.

Obviously, though, I didn't think it would be that nice an idea, because did I turn left at the end of the M3 to go to Portsmouth? No, I turned right as I'd originally intended and had a lovely blowy walk along Lepe beach. The gravelly pebbles were almost completely covered in fine strands of orange and crimson seaweed, mixed with a bit of brown bladderwrack (oof!). There was no green seaweed at all.

That and the rather subdued light gave the oyster shell and it's background, I thought, a lovely range of colours. If I was a designer I'd use it as a colour chart for fabric

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