
By SpotsOfTime

All Saints, Upper Sheringham

Holy well?
Another dodgy addition to my contribution to holy well month/year.
Springs that rise up just above the church have been channeled into this edifice which was constructed by the lord of the manor to celebrate victory over Napoleon (a year before it actually happened). This was the water supply for the village too. Whether or not it is strictly a holy well/spring is a moot point. There don’t seem to be any traditions associated with it but it got me wondering, yet again, about not only where and why holy wells come into being but also why they often don’t seem to exist in so many places where they might be expected.

Anyway, it was a handy blip for an otherwise relentlessly wet, dismal day. But I did findsomewhere to swim (I’ve almost forgotten how and am dreadfully out of practice and condition), saw two hares and popped into Holt briefly where I felt too shabby to venture in to any of the shops.

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