Alstoemeria Valentine ......

..... flowers !
Red roses are usually the order of the day! As I still had many birthday flowers left "A" brought these in on Thursday last , knowing I would rather have these, ( he knows ye' know !!). I especially like the yellow ones , a spring like colour.
I host the group tonight , as it is Lent no cakes or biscuits needed but fruit will be offered along with the usual tea/ coffee or fruit juices .
I had a lovely invitation by my daughter to go out for a cuppa but declined as just rearranging my room to accommodate the group and get a tray etc ready takes me an age these days! Do hope she understood it was so kind of her and appreciated too.
"A" had to keep a GP appointment today as his medication needed changing.
It's a really wet dull and miserable day with heavy cloud and altho' the temperature is supposed to be higher after yesterday it feels quite cool.

Grateful .... to have heating tonight.

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