The blue ones won 34 - nil. Our company were sponsoring the red ones.

I was supposed to be taking photos for our website but forgot to take the camera off the sport setting, so the pics of all our clients enjoying themselves indoors aren't that good. Actually the ones snapped when a beer-partaking colleague took my camera are probably better. Maybe it needed the focus to be out of focus to be in focus, if you know what I mean.

But a good afternoon was had by all most ...........seeing as it was a free bar and pie and peas.

Except I was driving, and cooking supper later, and have not been in Yorkshire long enough to have aquired a taste for mushy peas. Oggy, oggy,oggy, oi,oi,oi.

Apparently Oggy is a slang term for Cornish pasty, the wonder of Google!

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