
By sas05

lifes big wheel..

welcome to warners world..home of the completely irrelevant observation and diary of a middle aged failed rock star..
Got a little bit of catching up to do, rewind to friday morning...went to the bakery for morning brekkie and tea with the girls from school for trace`s birthday,, happy birthday again ole girl !! .. misread the sign for this place.. it should have read "fawlty Towers Bakery" .. one blond girl who was trying to do most of the work..bless her but it was funny to watch,, finding ones own backside with both hands would be beyond her let alone running this place single handed, did make for great viewing .. at one point me and ali asked for a crapichino each.. to which she sent her oppo off to tesco.. tesco??.. rather they went to costas.. it turned out is was for the milk....ummm,,, fish and chips...anyway.. moving on,, picked the girls up from school and headed south to southsea//do love that place.. sure it was grim.. it did stop raining .. we walked...nosed into peoples multi squillion pound pads..longing for that lottery win...rediscovered the definition of fun.. we watched the hovercraft make three attempts to get up on the shore..never seen that before .. when he left me and the girls ran down to the beach to the seas edge and gota good blast from the backwash from the departing hovercraft...hhahahh brilliant larf !!
Saturday morning ..woke to the news, still a mystery why i watch that stuff... had some academic who was head of some financial "think" tank (contradiction in terms ) ..didnt see t crash coming did they..anyway ... im not bitter !! he was saying how britain PLC should be paying our way in the world.. really.. paying who.. for what exactly...resisting the urge to do a elvis and shoot the tele.. i listened to this muppet for one reason ..just to hear him or the newsreader say quantatatatatattatatatatatative easing ...hahahhahahah ,, cant help myself. you can hear them thinking ,, "how many "ta`s" do i put it "...they end up pronouncing it like they have a stammer.. got me thinking bout money .. the cost of things... the "cost" ..ummm .. surely we should call it a conscience,, i think theyre great,, everyone should have one..i have one...keeps me awake nite after nite replaying every wrong deed ive done in ultra slow motion...stoopid for bankers and politicians, energy companies execs. do they do it..sleep that is...
saturdays run went well.. worthy of note cos again i was blessed with a non eventful run down to was very very.... british..dark wet and orrid..but brilliant.. umm fish and this point should rewind back to the beginning of the day, had an early start and time just sort of evaporated on me..i personally think einstein was to blame, (someone always is ..see above ) his theorems on space/time meant for some bizarre reason i was nearly late..anyway rushed out the door with no money today.. damnit .. so im now on the charity of the stores i visit to take pity on my sorrowful face... needless to say i went hungry all day.. wheres my free today.. you know free willy.. free milk ... free love (like that one) free nelson mandela ... ha your old if you remember him coming out.. even older if you remember him wrongly being put away .. anayway,, walking along the seafront i was being tortured by the luuuuverly smell of fish and chips...which i couldnt have ..booo hoo...anyway,, hungry and tired heading home in the murk and rain..going along the motorway theres a great effect at nite.. following another trucks the spray being kicked up by the wheels creates a dancing wave in the slipstream of the truck,, what with the windy wipers going back and forth and back...and forth .. and the cats eyes lit up all adds up to quite a hypnotic effect.. anyway ,, so thats me here and now.. hope you enjoyed reading this as much as ive enjoyed writing it...theres a saying in show business, leave em laughing,, if not laughing then at least choking on the half time ice cream.. till laters space cadets..

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